
Exhibit Galleries are pages that contain a list of image exhibits. The list includes a thumbnail version of the image and the image caption. The exhibits can be filtered to create logical sets of images. An Exhibit Gallery looks similar to an Image Gallery, but an Image Gallery is used with images that are not exhibits. The Exhibit Gallery includes Lightbox controls if Javascript is enabled in the visitor's browser.

Exhibit Galleries are User Items and are added to the site via the User Items Section.

You can see an example Exhibit Gallery on the Second Site demonstration site.

The Exhibit Gallery User Item supports multiple filters for defining which exhibits are included in the gallery. An exhibit must pass all the filters or the exhibit is not included. Only exhibits that are included elsewhere in the site are eligible to be included in galleries.

Thumbnail Images

When Second Site makes the Exhibit Galleries, it opens the exhibit images and builds thumbnail images for the exhibit lists. Thumbnail images are stored in the gthumbs subfolder of the Output (-o) folder.

The dimensions of the thumbnail images are set via the Thumb Width and Thumb Height properties. The dimensions are constraints; when the image is resized, the original aspect ratio is retained using the largest image that doesn't exceed either the Thumb Width or Thumb Height properties.

Gallery Formatting

The style of the Exhibit Galleries is controlled by the image-box properties in the Stylesheets.Theme.Colors, Background section and by the properties in the Stylesheets.System.Exhibits.Gallery section.

Edit Exhibit Gallery

The Edit Exhibit Gallery window controls the properties associated with an Exhibit Gallery.


The Title property sets the title of the Exhibit Gallery. The Title will also appear in the menu or on the Custom Page where the link to the Exhibit Gallery appears.


The Filename property sets the filename for the Exhibit Gallery. Enter the filename only; Second Site determines the filetype based on other program settings. Second Site proposes a filename for new pages; accept that name or provide a more descriptive one.

See Menu on the User Items page.

Button Image

See Button Image on the User Items page.


If Enabled is checked, Second Site will build the Exhibit Gallery the next time you make the site. If Enabled is unchecked, the page will not be created. For more information, see Enabled on the User Items page.


See Description on the User Items page.

Exhibits per Page

Exhibits per Page controls the number of exhibits displayed on a single page. The default is no limit; all the exhibits that pass the exhibit filters will appear on a single page.

If you set Exhibits per Page to 25, and there are 55 exhibits in the gallery, Second Site will create 3 pages. The first two will have 25 exhibits each, and the third page will have 5.

When multiple pages are created for a gallery, each page will include next page and previous page links as appropriate.

Box Width

The Box Width property controls the width of the box that encloses the image and the caption. Setting Box Width and Thumb Width to the same value usually produces good results.

Box Height

The Box Height property controls the height of the box that encloses the image and the caption. If your exhibits include captions, set the Box Height at least 20 pixels greater than the Thumb Height to allow space for the caption text.

Thumb Width

The Thumb Width property controls the maximum width of the thumbnail image. Thumbnail widths will be adjusted by Second Site to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image, and so thumbnails created from tall images may be thinner than the Thumb Width setting.

Setting Thumb Width and Box Width to the same value usually produces good results.

Thumb Height

The Thumb height property controls the maximum height of the thumbnail image. Thumbnail heights will be adjusted by Second Site to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image, and so thumbnails created from wide images may be shorter than the Thumb Height setting.

If your exhibits include captions, set the Thumb Height at least 20 pixels less than the Box Height to allow space for the caption text.

Show Image Filename

The Show Image Filename option controls whether image filenames are included in the description of the thumbnail image in addition to the caption, if any. The default is unchecked.

Text Filter

The Text Filter can be used to restrict which exhibits are included in an Exhibit Gallery.

The Field property in the Text Filter section can be set to "None", "Caption", "Description", "Filename", or "Topic". When set to "None", no text filter is applied. When set to one of the other choices, Second Site will filter exhibits based on the contents of the specified field in the Exhibit record.

The Operator property in the Text Filter section defines the operator that is used to compare text. The choices are "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Equals" and "Does Not Equal".

The Value property in the Text Filter section defines the text that is compared to the specified field.

The following table shows the result of the different operators when comparing example caption text to an example value.

Caption Value Operator Result
John Smith Smith Contains pass
Jane Jones Smith Does Not Contain pass
Unknown Gravestone Grave Equals fail
Family Homestead family homestead Does Not Equal fail

Record Type

The Record Type pull-down menu limits which exhibits are included in the gallery by the record type of the exhibit in TMG. The choices are "All", "Person", "Event", "Source", "Citation", and "Place".


The Sort pull-down menu controls the sequence of the items in the gallery. The choices are "None" and "Exhibit Topic".

When "None" is chosen, the items are not sorted and so they appear in the sequence the exhibits were processed as the site was being built.

When "Exhibit Topic" is chosen, the items are sorted by the exhibit's Topic.

The remaining controls vary by Record Type.

Person Exhibit Filter


The Primary pull-down menu filters Person exhibits based on the exhibit's primary value. The choices are "Both", "Primary Only" and "Non-Primary Only".

Flag Filter

The Flag Filter controls filter Person exhibits based on the flag value of the person to which the exhibit is attached.

Event Exhibit Filter

Event Type

The Event Type pull-down menu filters Event exhibits based on the type of the event to which the exhibit is attached.

On This Page

See also:

  • Stylesheets.System.