
Second Site creates various lists that appear in person page entries. For example, when a person is a member of one or more charts, Second Site adds a list to the person page entry that links to the chart(s) on which the person appears. The structure of the lists varies slightly by the content of the list and by the Format chosen for the site.

By default, the list entries are formatted to match the surrounding text, but you may wish to customize the style of the various lists. Second Site assigns CSS class names to the HTML elements used to implement the list and you can use the class names as part of User Styles. The class names are shown in the following table.

Class Name Assigned To
field-le-label The label for Last Edited Date entries, such as "Last Edited"
field-le-value The value for Last Edited Date entries, such as "22 Jun 2009"
field-fl-label The label for Custom Flag entries, such as "Related By"
field-fl-value The value for Custom Flag entries, such as "N"
field-rf-label The label for Reference Field entries, such as "Reference"
field-rf-value The value for Reference Field entries, which might hold an "AFN" number such as "D183-XJ"
field-rl-label The label for Relationship entries, such as "Relationship"
field-rl-value The value for Relationship entries, such as "1st cousin"
list-cm-label The label for Chart membership entries, such as "Charts"
list-cm-value The value for Chart membership entries, such as "Descendants of John Smith"

User Style Examples

To modify the style of one of the person page entry list elements, you use a class name from the list above in a User Style. Here are a few examples.

Make relationship values bold

font-weight: bold;

Make custom flag names red

color: #ff0000;

Make chart names small and italic

font-size: small; font-style: italic;
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