
The Gender, ID, Lifespan item in the Person Entry list controls the appearance of the line of text that includes those items. Here is an example:

M, #2, b. 17 February 1928, d. 14 December 1977

The format of the lifespan and the dates included in the lifespan are controlled via the Dates Section properties Subject Lifespan Format and Subject Date Format.


Show Gender

The Show Gender checkbox controls whether person page entries include the subject's gender. The default value is checked. If you define an icon for the Sex flag, you may want to uncheck Show Gender.

The text used for the genders is drawn from the Gender Strings section.

Show ID

The Show TMG ID checkbox controls whether person page entries include the subject's TMG ID number. The default value is unchecked.

Second Site uses the Page Strings.ID Prefix text as a prefix for the ID number.