- [S2] Peter Patrick Cloherty, Certificate of Naturalization, 1789295 (October 2, 1922); John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S18] International Genealogical Index (IGI) (35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Family History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
- [S26] Dorothy Evans, Bezansons from Nova Scotia (n.p.: Privately Published, 1986).
- [S41] Lunenburg County GenWeb Project, "Chester Township Book - Births", online http://www.rootsweb.com/~canns/lunenburg/ch_b.html, reviewed June 20, 1999. A reproduction taken from the Chester Township Book, a record of births, marriages and deaths of the residents of Chester from 1762-1820.
- [S143] Kathleen Boudreau, Marriage Records of Kings County, Nova Scotia, 1864-1909 (Kentville, Nova Scotia: Kings County Historical Society).
- [S159] Don Shankle and Kim Stevens, "Lunenburg Births, Marriages and Deaths", online http://www.rootsweb.com/~canns/lunenburg/bmd_main.html, reviewed June 19, 1999, Lunenburg County GenWeb. When data is included, the fields (separated by commas) are as follows: 1-Surname, 2-Given Name, 3-Event, 4-Date, 5-Baptism, 6-Source, 7-Parents, Spouse, Relative, 8-Witnesses, Sponsors, Etc., 9-Age, and an extra comma represents a column which is missing data.
- [S171] John Cardinal, "Research Notes," (MS; North Andover, Massachusetts);.
- [S172] "Family History copied from Bible of Maud (Lawrence) Wood by Muriel (Cardinal) Johnston," (MS; Concord, North Carolina); Wood Family Documents, John Cardinal's Document Library; North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S179] Social Security Administration Death Index (Orem, UT: Ancestry.com).
- [S182] "Cardinal Family History", Mary Margaret (Cloherty) Cardinal (Watertown, MA), to John Cardinal (North Andover, MA); John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S184] Lunenburg County GenWeb Project, "Chester Township Book - Marriages", online http://www.rootsweb.com/~canns/lunenburg/ch_p.html, reviewed June 20, 1999. A reproduction taken from the Chester Township Book, a record of births, marriages and deaths of the residents of Chester from 1762-1820.
- [S186] Obituary, The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts.
- [S192] Muriel (Cardinal) Johnston, "Muriel Johnston's Family Group Sheet", February, 1999 (Concord, NC). Undocumented. Muriel (Cardinal) Johnston was a witness to the birth and marriage events involving her children.
- [S193] John Wesley Houghton, The Houghton Genealogy. Descendants of Ralph and John Houghton. (Wellington, OH: F. H. Hitchcock, 1912).
- [S217] Interview with Mary Margaret (Cloherty) Cardinal (Watertown, Massachusetts), by John Cardinal, March 4, 1999. John Cardinal's Genealogy Database (North Andover, Massachusetts).
- [S218] Interview with Mary Margaret (Cloherty) Cardinal (Watertown, Massachusetts), by John Cardinal, March 9, 1999. John Cardinal's Genealogy Database (North Andover, Massachusetts).
- [S224] John Cardinal.
- [S267] Peter Cloherty, Birth Registration 459 (November 23, 1893), Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Co. Galway, Ireland.

- [S268] Peter Cloherty, Death Certificate 9182, certificate 75260 (October 13, 1943; certificied copy February 16, 1995), Office of the City Registrar, City of Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
- [S269] Peter P. Cloherty and Sarah M. Clasby marriage, June 19, 1919, John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts. Extract made August 3, 1969 from Marriage Register of St. Peter's Church.
- [S301] Events witnessed by John Cardinal (North Andover, MA). These events were witnessed by the author, John Cardinal, were events in which I was directly involved, or refer to events in my life such as my birthday. The data was entered directly into a genealogical database. Refer to other source citations for official records of the same events.
- [S314] Unknown compiler, "Lunenburg Passenger Lists", online http://www.rootsweb.com/~canns/lunenburg/shiplists.html, reviewed June 19, 1999, Lunenburg County GenWeb.
- [S328] Letter from Muriel Alta (Cardinal) Johnston (Concord, North Carolina) to John Cardinal, 3 March 1999; John Cardinal's Document Library (North Andover, Massachusetts). Muriel was responding to a letter which included copies of photographs and asked her to identify the subjects.
- [S342] Application for Social Security Account Number, Photocopy from Social Security Administration (Baltimore, MD); Photocopy stored in John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts. Hereinafter cited as Social Security Account Number Application.
- [S350] Family History Committee, Kings County, Nova Scotia, Census Records 1786-1901 (Kentville, Nova Scotia: Kings County Historical Society).
- [S353] Lorna Woodman Evans, compiler, Township Books, Kings County, Nova Scotia: Aylesford, Cornwallis, Horton (Kentville, Nova Scotia: The Family History Committee of the Kings Historical Society, 1996).
- [S354] John Cardinal, Guesses, Theories and Speculation.
- [S355] Obituary, The Watertown Tab and Press, Watertown, Massachusetts.
- [S369] Holyhood Cemetery Association, St. Joseph Cemetery, Deed Number 21374, Photocopy, John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S370] Town of Watertown, Ridegelawn Cemetery, Deed Number 2146, recorded in Book IV, Page 2146 of the Register of Contracts for Perpetual Care of Cemetery Lots in Watertown, Photocopy, John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S392] René Jetté, Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles du Québec des Origines à 1730 (Genealogical Dictionary of Quebec Families from the Origins to 1730) (Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1983).
- [S393] Michel Robert, Merge with 396(?) (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S397] Louise Gervais, Cardinal Family in GEDCOM file CARDI.GED, as of February 23, 1999; e-mail address.
- [S425] Letter from Charlie Cobb (Dedham, Massachusetts) to Mary (Cloherty) Cardinal; Photocopy, John Cardinal's Document Library (North Andover, Massachusetts).
- [S429] "Handwritten Notes", Mary Margaret (Cloherty) Cardinal (Watertown, MA), to John Cardinal (North Andover, MA); John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S430] Mary Cardinal, Passport, John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S436] Joseph Cloherty, Baptism Certificate (1945), John Cardinal's Electronic Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S437] Joseph Cloherty, Certificate of Confirmation (May 11, 1935; certified copy May 19, 1945), John Cardinal's Electronic Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.
- [S447] Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Carmania Passenger Manifest, online http://www.ellisisland.org, dated May 12, 1922, American Family Immigration History Center (New York, NY).
- [S448] Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Baltic Passenger Manifest, online http://www.ellisisland.org, dated April 10, 1922, American Family Immigration History Center (New York, NY).
- [S449] Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, New York Passenger Manifest, online http://www.ellisisland.org, dated June 21, 1915, American Family Immigration History Center (New York, NY).
- [S474] Ancestry.com, Census Images Online, online http://www.Ancestry.com, (Orem, UT).
- [S601] Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, The History of Kings County (1910; reprint Belleville, Ontario: Mika Studio, 1972).

- [S615] Obituary, The Boston Herald (aka Boston Herald American), Boston, Massachusetts.
- [S624] Cemetery Marker.
- [S630] George E. Levy, editor, The Diary of Joseph Dimock (Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Lancelot Press, 1979).
- [S637] Peter Cloherty and Martin Conneely, Bill of Sale, Loughconeera Property, John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.

- [S638] Obituary, unknown newspaper, Boston, Massachusetts.

- [S641] Peter Cloherty, Certified Death Abstract 9182 (October 13, 1943, certified November 3, 1943), Office of the City Registrar, City of Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
- [S643] Peter P. Cloherty, Certificate of Membership, Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America (March 1, 1918), John Cardinal's Document Library, North Andover, Massachusetts.