The Maps page demonstrates the customizable, interactive maps you can add to your site.
Second Site leverages the progamming interface of various mapping services, including Google Maps, to create maps that feature content you control. So, for example, you can add markers for any location of interest, trace migration paths, and more. All you have to do is add a Map User Item to a Custom Page!
You can add multiple maps to a single page, and add text before and after the maps to explain the map content. Map properties you can control include the size of the map, the initial map type (road map, aerial map, etc.), the center point of the initial map location, and the zoom level.
Markers on the map can be defined in Second Site, or leverage latitude/longitude information entered in the Master Place List of your TMG project.
The text above is in the Main Content field of the "Map Page Explanation" Custom Page User Item.